TACTICAL-BOARD.COM - terms of use

  1. Definition of terms
    • "Site administration" – persons who manage the site tactical-board.com.
    • "User" — a person who uses this site for his own purposes.
    • "Cookies" — a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.
    • "IP-address" — is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.
  2. Generalities
    • By using this site, the user automatically agrees to these terms of use.
    • In case of disagreement with the terms of use, the user must stop using the site.
    • The site administration does not control and is not responsible for third-party sites to which the user can click on the links available on this site.
    • The site administration is not responsible for any losses of the user (including loss of data or profits or due to the interruption of the site), resulting from the use of the site tactical-board.com.
  3. Collection of user's personal information
    tactical-board.com may collect the following categories of personal information about the user during the user's use of the site:
    • email provided by the user during registration;
    • IP address and information about the browser or other program that accesses the site;
    • date and time when the site was accessed;
    • information about geolocation.
    The user's personal information is used to ensure and improve the operation of the site.
    If you want to delete your personal data, please contact us at tacticalboardcom@gmail.com.
  4. Cookies
    tactical-board.com uses cookies. By using this site, the user agrees to the use of cookies.
    • we use third-party cookies for analytics tracking. We use data gathered from tracking to understand user behavior and to help us improve the website;
    • we use our own cookies to store session and settings data;
    • we use third-party cookies for presenting ads.
  5. Additionally
    The site administration may revise the terms of use at any time without prior notice.